Hockey Memphis (HM) is a nonprofit created to use hockey as a means to enrich lives by providing an alternative sports outlet, that goes beyond just providing a sport to play but providing continuous opportunity to give back, work with young people, gain value leader

ship/organizing experience, create even greater opportunities for the next generation, and help lead the charge in creating a hockey culture that is representative of the people of Memphis and not of the largely exclusionary culture of which hockey is known for.

Hockey Memphis aims to accomplish this by providing:

  • Formalized (typically youth) sports programming

  • Learn to play-to-play/pick-up drop ins

  • Giving motivated young people to adults that want to give back, the opportunity to coach/lead/grow/create existing & new programming

  • Being intentional in making the game most accessible to those who have historically been excluded from it

  • Growing a network & relationships with a wide array of youth & community organizations to ensure that all participants can at least be connected to any resources or services (additional mentorship/mental health services/free meals/etc) that they may need

Hockey Memphis strives to remove as many barriers to playing the game as possible, as such Hockey Memphis currently exclusively does "Ball Hockey." "Ball Hockey" describes 3 subversions of the game, all of which are played running in tennis shoes & using a hockey ball instead of a puck. No ice. No ice. No ice skates.

  • Street Hockey – most informal version of the game, played on any paved surface, generally a black top.

  • Floor Hockey – more formal, played in a gym

  • Dek Hockey – played on a specialized outdoor hockey rink which instead of having ice has impact absorbant plastic sport court paneling

    • This currently is not possible for us as the DeSoto Dek on Rasco Rd is not in playing condition – we are pursuing seeing if we can acquire & relocate it.

We do intend to eventually provide ice & roller hockey programming & opportunities once the demand and capacity is available.